The transformation behavior of austenite is best studied by observing the isothermal transformation
at a series of temperatures below A1. The transformation progress is ordinarily followed metallographically
in such a way that both the time-temperature relationships and the manner in which the
microstructure changes are established. The times at which transformation begins and ends at a given
temperature are plotted, and curves depicting the transformation behavior as a function of temperature
are obtained by joining these points (Fig. ) Such a diagram is referred to as an isothermal transformation
(IT) diagram, a time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram, or, an S curve
at a series of temperatures below A1. The transformation progress is ordinarily followed metallographically
in such a way that both the time-temperature relationships and the manner in which the
microstructure changes are established. The times at which transformation begins and ends at a given
temperature are plotted, and curves depicting the transformation behavior as a function of temperature
are obtained by joining these points (Fig. ) Such a diagram is referred to as an isothermal transformation
(IT) diagram, a time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram, or, an S curve
Trends in Heat-Treated Products
Property Coarse-grain Austenite Fine-grain Austenite
Quenched and Tempered Products
- Hardenability Increasing Decreasing
- Toughness Decreasing Increasing
- Distortion More Less
- Quench cracking More Less
- Internal stress Higher Lower
Annealed or Normalized Products
- Machinability
- Rough finish Better Inferior
- Fine finish Inferior Better
The IT diagram for a eutectoid carbon steel is shown in Fig.In addition to the lines depicting
the transformation, the diagram shows microstructures at various stages of transformation and hardness
values. Thus, the diagram illustrates the characteristic subcritical austenite transformation behavior,
the manner in which microstructure changes with transformation temperature, and the general
relationship between these microstructural changes and hardness.
As the diagram indicates, the characteristic isothermal transformation behavior at any temperature
above the temperature at which transformation to martensite begins (the Ms temperature) takes place
over a period of time, known as the incubation period, in which no transformation occurs, followed
by a period of time during which the transformation proceeds until the austenite has been transformed
completely. The transformation is relatively slow at the beginning and toward the end, but much
more rapid during the intermediate period in which —25-75% of the austenite is transformed. Both
the incubation period and the time required for completion of the transformation depend on the
The behavior depicted in this program is typical of plain carbon steels, with the shortest incubation
period occurring at ~540°C. Much longer times are required for transformation as the temperature
approaches either the Ae1 or the Ms temperature. This A1 temperature is lowered slightly during
cooling and increased slightly during heating. The 54O0C temperature, at which the transformation begins in the shortest time period is commonly referred to as the nose of the IT diagram. If complete
transformation is to occur at temperatures below this nose, the steel must be cooled rapidly enough
to prevent transformation at the nose temperature. Microstructures resulting from transformation at
these lower temperatures exhibit superior strength and toughness.
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